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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

tuesday, june 22

This blog is dedicated to those people who, like me, find blogs to be unmitigatingly self-absorbed, billious, and lacking any redeeming value. I swore I would never bore (now, that's poetry) other people with my uninteresting(i.e. blah)life musings. Having said this,here we go...

Today, I travelled from Oklahoma to Texas to see my sister Jean who is laid up in her plaid recliner recovering from knee replacement surgery. My other sister Lynn from Louisiana is here as well. We are wiling away the hours creating this blahgspot because Louisiana Lynn had learned how in a college class last summer @Louisiana Tech(feeling blah yet?).

On my way down I35 I decided to pass the time by visiting other channels on my XM radio. I pretty much stick to the same channels all the time. So I started on channel 4 (40's music) and began to work my way up. I even invented rules for this game: I had to listen to at least 2 songs on each channel. If I liked the music, I would camp out there until I got annoyed. Then I would move to the next channel. Now let me explain something: I am Oklahoma born and bred. I am an Oklahoma State University alum and, by rights, that pretty much makes me a Cowboy(girl). However, I detest country and western music. But the thing is XM radio has about 42 country stations.(I exaggerate maybe.)
So it pained me to have to follow my two-song rule but I am a rule follower so there you go. I did hear one song that I liked called "Up on the Ridge" by Dierks (sp?)Somebody. I only got to channel 20.
When I got to Texas Jean's, we had chicken salad for lunch because she had run out of tuna. Her kids are coming over for hamburgers tonight.

Well, that's all.


  1. I love hamburger night at Jean and Bartons!!!!! And I think it is Deirks Bently...pretty good knowledge from a girl who hates country music too! And I don't think Lynn has attended LA Tech! Glad to se you in the blog world! You should follow messyaprons!

  2. I absolutely loved reading this aloud to my husband, Arkansas David!!!

  3. actually Lynn tells me she took that wiki/blog/social networking class on line from LaTech

  4. Welcome to Blogdom Aunt Paula! Can't wait to read all your witty stories and see the pics of the kids.
